MInistry 2023

God works in wonderful ways. We have left our ministry in Riobamba for health reasons. On January 27th, we were eating lunch out when I received a call from Pablo, who is from Capulispungo …

The Year 2022

My highlight was developing a course on Introduction to the Bible. It began when an indigenous church in Quito asked me, with a two day notice, to teach a course on an overview of the Bible. I've had the idea for decades in my head. This was an opportunity to put it all together.

Ministry During the Pandemic 2021

This year, the second year of the Pandemic, God has opened the door to work with children. The ministry began when the migrants from Capulispungo, who live in Quito, began to meet at our home for their Sunday services.

Ministry and Pandemic 2020

To sum up this year: the pandemic cancelled all our projects and activities in the Quichua communities, but it didn’t annul our friendships with the leaders. In years of working in the rural mountain churches, by the grace of God, we have developed lasting relationships with the church leaders. They often call us just to say “Hi!” So our work continues through them.

I want to share a little about each of these leaders, and then comment on the future of their communities. All of them are pastors, seminary graduates, and have been students of mine at one time or another.

Stay at home!

I suppose that phrase is universal by now, although in many different languages.
We began our stay at home in February…
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