So what´s a "Minga?"


The Quichua use this word "Minga" for what we would call a "workday." Everyone comes and joins in the work. The church at Capulispungo collects a special offering every six months for improving the church building. They have literally built this structure with their own hands. We made a visit today to Capulispungo, because we knew they were spending the whole week in a "Minga." Their goals are to put a railing on the church stairs, plaster the remaining two outer walls, and paint the front. They are well on their way to reaching that goal. We made a quick visit, but I was able to do my share by fixing the electrical installations in the women´s bathroom.
The church is doing well. The discipleship program with us continues. Next week they have a wedding. Yet they are still plagued by migration: church members moving to the city for jobs. We hope in the future to minimize this by helping them start small businesses in the community. Little by little with God´s help.

