Health Issues


For several years now we have been dealing with some health issues for Faby. It started with high blood pressure and visiting several cardiologists. Their conclusion was that Faby’s condition was variable/labile blood pressure. This combined with severe headaches, anxiety, and dizziness. We couldn’t find the right medicine or combination that would control her condition. My best solution for every crisis was a sedative.

As a result, Faby doesn’t travel well, and we have severely limited our trips to Riobamba and the Quichua communities.

Finally, a good friend told us, “Go to the best hospital in Quito and find a specialist.” Good advice. This week we went to a highly respected neurologist. He had Faby get a MRI scan of her head, and thankfully she has no tumors or lesions. The doctor prescribed a medicine for anxiety, explaining that, in Faby’s case, her headaches are caused by tension and stress. So we’re trying the new medicine and praying for God’s healing.