January 2022
The Challenge of Teaching
27/01/22 11:29

Yesterday was our third class. The challenge of teaching is to figure out what your students are capable of learning. I'm finding they're at different levels. One woman is surprising me with her answers. My first impression was that she would be the most difficult to teach. The opposite is true. Others participate, and others remain silent. I hope to increase the level of the class, but I'm not sure if all the students will respond. It may take a few classes yet to figure out the best methods. Prov 3:5-6

Back to the mountain tops!
16/01/22 20:35

One month ago we visited the community "Lirio" to donate two tables for the children's classroom. We promised to return to help the teacher with new ideas. So this Saturday we made it back to meet with Maritza and her husband. Just to get a feel for her planning, I asked, "What are you planning to teach tomorrow to the kids?" Her answer: "I'm going to prepare the class this afternoon." As I thought, she didn't have a plan. So we worked together to form a six-month program. She does well with songs and bible verses, but she hadn't experience with games and crafts. Here in the photo, I gave her some ideas for universal crafts: paper folding that can be used to draw any lesson. She really appreciated the help. We hope to find some more teachers since she and her husband handle 30 kids in one classroom.
This photo shows the community "Lirio" as we are driving up mountains toward it. I added the arrow, because you can barely make it out on the mountain top.

Sunday, we visited another community "San Isidro" on another mountain top.The plan was just to stop in and observe their program for the kids. As usually happens, I had prepared a class for the kids, just in case, but they asked me to give the message. Turns out, they don't have a kids program for only 4 kids. So I used my kids lesson for the adults! We made a small book from one sheet of paper and wrote down the three promises God made to Abraham and their fulfillment. The adults loved it! And invited us back to do some more teaching.

Out of the blue!
13/01/22 20:34

Monday, I received a call from Sergio (a former seminary student of mine, and his church used our house for a retreat back in December). Their church is starting a bible institute and they need a teacher for this Wednesday! "What's the subject?" "Intro to the Bible." I jumped in. After the class I learned they want me to teach every week for the next three months. What a privilege! And I thought our ministry was winding down with the Pandemic! "Trust in the Lord."

Pandemic 3rd Year
03/01/22 16:18

We enter the third year of the Pandemic. Where will this year lead us? I don't know. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" Prov 3:5. In the past two years, we have lost all our regular activities with the communities. We gained a new ministry with the migrant kids from Capulispungo. We have received many groups in our home for services and retreats, but none on a regular basis. We have kept in touch by phone with most of the pastors. The New Year begins. We continue to trust in the Lord for His direction.