Our "Capulispungo Family"


Yesterday the Capulispungo migrants in Quito held their Christmas party to celebrate Christ's birthday. We also celebrated Faby's birthday which is today. For me, these folks are my second family here in Ecuador. We share their joys and sorrows. Yesterday we shared food and fellowship with a few songs and several birthday cakes. We also shared their struggles: two youth decided to get married. We congratulated them on their decision, only briefly later to learn that the real surprise is she is pregnant. Yet because of the marriage decision, her parents want counseling to help them reunite. They have recently separated. I also conversed with the pastor Abel about another youth who is about to get married. The date is set, but neither of us have heard a word from the groom. We suspect, but cannot confirm, something is wrong. After the birthday celebration we took one couple home, and met with her brother and sister-in-law who haven't attended church for some time. Turns out, they're broke. They took out a loan to start a business and the pandemic ruined them. Now his whole monthly salary goes to pay off the loan. Joys and sorrows. All part of being family.
