Capulispungo in Quito


Some of the families who have migrated from Capulispungo to Quito have formed a church. Since we work in Capulispungo, we also work with the families in Quito. The pastor asked us to give a workshop for couples. The first Tuesday, last week, gave a small turnout, but last night, most of the church came! We emphasized three points: 1) letting Christ live in you and control your life; 2) spending time with your children; and 3) maintaining a daily family devotions. May God help these immigrant families who are struggling for stability in a new context.


Lord willing ...


As the Bible says in James 4:15, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” or in Proverbs 16:9, In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. And whether it's human variability or God changing our plans, we have learned to pray and be flexible. With Faby's group of women, we are praying for and planning a retreat in our house in Quito for August 24th. (Next blog) We plan and pray that it will be a blessing for the women. Plus, with a former seminary student who lives in the communities in the mountains, we are joining with him in planning a 5-day retreat for 300 kids for August 12th-16th. Faby and I can only attend the first two days, but we are helping him plan the whole week. May God grant us wisdom to plan all the logistics, and may He bless our efforts! Lord willing …

(Previous meeting click here.)


Formal versus informal


In Capulispungo, we meet every month for bible study, but not all learning takes place in the classroom. I've learned that during the informal times, when we have spontaneous conversations, we learn a lot about each other, our problems, and our ideals. It reminds me that discipleship is not a program, nor a bible study, but a relationship. Sharing your life with another is discipleship.

(Previous blog click here.)

New Ministries


As we get to know the communities better and their real needs, new ministries develop. Faby is meeting with single mothers who have never had a group like this where they can open up and deal with their inner conflicts. (Previous meeting click here.) Alan is meeting with students in Riobamba who are from the communities we have worked with: Capulispungo, Cachisagua, and Shobol Llin Llin. We want to support and help these students until they graduate from the university. We believe the future of the communities will depend greatly on university graduates who maintain their commitment both to Christ and to their communities. (Next blog)
