The Start of a New Project


I asked Ruben if the church leaders had ever thought about developing an economic project in Cachisagua. He said, "Yes!" They've had the idea of a flour mill for several years. Our good friend Patricio Vega with his wife Giovana heard about the idea and want to get involved. Patricio gave them a bigger vision than they had imagined: not just provide the service to grind grain, but to stock it and sell it wholesale later. (We celebrated Faby's birthday at our apartment afterwards.)


That happened Saturday. On Tuesday, I met Ruben at the local seminary in Riobamba, and he told me that when he talked with the others about stocking grain, they said the idea was too big for them!


But Faby and I visited them on Thursday, and they were excited about Patricio's vision. They already have a piece of land picked out for the mill and the storehouse.
We continue to pray and see what the Lord will do. Proverbs 16:3

